Jules Bean <ju...@jellybean.co.uk> writes:

>> Hi Tom,
>> I've used fontification in Org code blocks constantly for a couple of
>> months now, and I do not agree that there are any editing or unfolding
>> delays which should deter typical Org users from using fontified src
>> blocks. In typical usage I do not experience any delays whatsoever (my
>> blocks tend to be fewer than 100 lines in length).
> Is Tom perhaps using OSX? I found absurd fontification delays on OSX
> for various things (*clock task select* was the worst, IIRC) until
> somebody advised me to (setq font-lock-verbose nil), and that fixed it
> completely. 
> I don't think it's the actual fontification that's slow, I think it's
> the (message) that is telling you what it's doing.

I wonder whether fontification messages are relics of the age long past
when they served as modern equivalents of progress bars.

,----[ C-h v font-lock-verbose RET ]
| font-lock-verbose is a variable defined in `font-lock.el'.
| Its value is 0
| Documentation:
| If non-nil, means show status messages for buffer fontification.
| If a number, only buffers greater than this size have fontification messages.
| You can customize this variable.
| [back]

Perhaps Emacs maintainers would be willing to change the default setting
of this variable.

> Jules
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