"Thomas S. Dye" <t...@tsdye.com> writes:

> Hi Dan,
> Glad to know that Darlan's slowdown is fixed.
> No change here that I can tell.  Now that I've had org-src-fontify-
> natively set to t for a while, I can see that the slowdown is
> proportional to the number and size of code blocks in the Org-mode
> file.  It is most noticeable in a file with about 30 printed pages of
> a manuscript held in several dozen LaTeX code blocks, quite a bit less
> so in a file where the several dozen code blocks are short R routines.
> FWIW, I see the org-src-fontification message while unfolding,

Hi Tom,

Could you post that message please (go to *Messages* buffer after
unfolding and it should be there). I haven't put any messages in, but I
think I know the message you mean and I think it is an Emacs message.


> even
> when the unfolded result doesn't show a code block.  Later when a sub- 
> tree is unfolded, the org-src-fontification message appears again,
> which makes me wonder if there is unnecessary work going on.
> All the best,
> Tom
> On Sep 9, 2010, at 3:02 AM, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:
>> Thank you Dan,
>> It is perfect now. No perceivable slowdown
>> At Wed, 08 Sep 2010 13:41:51 -0400,
>> Dan Davison wrote:
>>> Darlan Cavalcante Moreira <darc...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> Maybe my problem is not related to slow folding/unfolding behavior
>>>> that you
>>>> are getting, but if I set the org-src-tab-acts-natively variable
>>>> to t the
>>>> folding/unfolding of headlines becomes very slow for me.
>>> Thank you Darlan,
>>> I have just pushed a change that should make that better -- does that
>>> improve things?
>>> I did think there was something else going on (that was why I asked
>>> Tom
>>> for confirmation), but I didn't have time to investigate
>>> properly. The
>>> problem seems to be that, on a folded headline containing many
>>> blocks,
>>> `org-edit-src-find-region-and-lang' is actually quite slow to come up
>>> with the answer "No, there's nothing for me to edit here."  (try
>>> issuing
>>> M-x org-edit-src-code on a folded headline containing many blocks; I
>>> haven't understood this properly yet.)
>>> Dan
>>>> In fact, I was thinking that I had the problem described here, but
>>>> I just
>>>> isolated the cause and in my case it was the org-src-tab-acts-
>>>> natively
>>>> variable that I had set to t in my .emacs file.
>>>> --
>>>> Darlan
>>>> At Tue, 7 Sep 2010 06:05:54 -1000,
>>>> "Thomas S. Dye" <t...@tsdye.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>>> Yes, I can confirm that (setq org-src-fontify-natively nil) makes
>>>>> unfolding snappy again.
>>>>> All the best,
>>>>> Tom
>>>>> On Sep 7, 2010, at 3:23 AM, Dan Davison wrote:
>>>>>> "Thomas S. Dye" <t...@tsdye.com> writes:
>>>>>>> Aloha Dan,
>>>>>>> This is really nice.  Thanks for shepherding it along.
>>>>>>> In some of my use cases there is a substantial delay when
>>>>>>> opening a
>>>>>>> large file and then unfolding sections with many source code
>>>>>>> blocks.
>>>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>>>> I think this is a good point and probably as you say a reason for
>>>>>> turning it off by default. Org should be (and was!) lightweight by
>>>>>> default.
>>>>>> I haven't had time to profile things properly. Before we turn it
>>>>>> off,
>>>>>> could you please confirm that all your slowness problems go away
>>>>>> when
>>>>>> you do (setq org-src-fontify-natively nil)?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>> I don't mind this and intend to keep the feature on, but I do
>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>> should be off by default because the user potentially pays an
>>>>>>> appreciable time penalty for the pleasure of semantic source code
>>>>>>> markup.
>>>>>>> Thanks again for this nice feature.
>>>>>>> All the best,
>>>>>>> Tom
>>>>>>> On Sep 3, 2010, at 7:30 AM, Eric S Fraga wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Thu, 02 Sep 2010 08:51:16 -0700, Dan Davison
>>>>>>>> <davi...@stats.ox.ac.uk
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I've just pushed changes which mean that Org now fontifies
>>>>>>>>> code in
>>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>>> blocks. Currently, this is turned on by default, so it would be
>>>>>>>>> helpful
>>>>>>>>> if people could report any problems, and opinions as to
>>>>>>>>> whether it
>>>>>>>>> should be on or off by default.<
>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>> This is brilliant!  Works very well on my notebook (with small
>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>> blocks as that's all I tend to have).  Many thanks!
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Eric S Fraga
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