The FOSDEM site was recently updated to show the list of accepted
devrooms, and unfortunately we didn't make the final list of 24.  Thanks
to all who contributed ideas or suggestions to our proposal.

That being said, I'd still like to suggest a meetup at some point.  I
think we have some good momentum in that direction, there are just more
variables to manage without FOSDEM providing the date, location and

Perhaps someone on the list can suggest a meeting place that would make
sense for our group?


On Mon, 25 Oct 2010 13:38 +0200, "Giovanni Ridolfi"
<> wrote:
> Richard Moreland <> writes:
> Hi, 
> > On Oct 24, 2010, at 12:53 AM, Puneeth wrote:
> >
> >> The FOSDEM site says,
> >>  2010-10-23: Acceptance notification of devrooms
> >> 
> >> Wondering if you have any news on this.
> >
> > Nothing yet, unfortunately.  I'll keep the list posted as soon as I hear 
> > anything.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> From fosdem's website:
> On Mon, 10/25/2010 - 00:24
> Devroom assignment still in the make
> This is just a short notice that we are still working on the devroom
> assignment  for FOSDEM 2011.
> We received 36 valid proposals, but have only 24 'devroom days' to
> distribute over the weekend (not counting the distribution miniconf).
> Many proposals are also true collaborative proposals, making the
> decision even harder. 
> Please bare with us for one or two more days, while we finalize the
> devroom allocation. 
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> so let's wait utill wednesday 27 ;-)
> Giovanni

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