Richard Moreland <> writes:

> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 4:38 AM, Carsten Dominik
> <> wrote:
>> Still we need someone who says "I will organize this".
>> Who will do that?
> If no one else volunteers, I will.

We are getting close to the deadline for the application for a dev room.
I will be on holiday and off-line for a week tomorrow, so I do not have
time to work on this next week. I would love for this to happen, so the
question is if I have to do this tonight (when the kids are in bed and I
should do the packing, my wife is going to love this :-)), next Saturday
or if I can rely on you to do this application.

Also when doing the application I would open up the dev room to Emacs
hackers in general, i.e. when mentioning the participating projects
simply add Gnu Emacs. I'm sure if we offer a venue there are some Emacs
hackers that are willing to come and participate. This will hopefully
increase our chances of getting a room.

So in essence I would change the application as follows:

* Devroom name

Org-mode and Emacs hackers

* Devroom description

** Topics

Org-mode is for keeping notes, maintaining ToDo lists, doing project
planning, and authoring with a fast and effective plain-text system.
Org-mode is based on GNU Emacs, an extensible, customizable text editor.

*** Org-mode

The Org-mode devroom will include a collection of talks from its author
as well as speakers representing various other components of Org-mode.
Developers will discuss the direction of Org-mode, identify additional
tools that would be useful to surround Org-mode, as well as make a plan
for widening its audience and making it more accessible to new users.

*** Emacs development

Emacs development has seen a renewed interest in the last years. There
is a lot of activity in the developer community. Therefore this devroom
will not only host many fine Org-mode Emacs Lisp hackers but is also
open for other Emacs Lisp related subjects around developing with or for

*** Proposed Talks

Some of our proposed talks include:
- Org-babel a system for Literate Programming
- GTD with Org-mode
- Scientific applications
- Sharing Org-mode data with other applications (TaskJuggler, ..?)
- Org-mode on the iPhone, Android and Nokia devices
- Managing websites with Org-mode (jekyll integration, built-in publishing, etc)
- Power user demonstrations/tip sharing
- The future of Org-mode

** Goals
- Expose new and existing Org-mode users to demonstrations/application
  of features they might not have otherwise discovered
- Identify new applications of Org-mode, help users get started
  using/customizing Org-mode for their domain  
- Collect members from the Org-mode mailing list in a single place for
  the first time
- Share and refine the direction of Org-mode
- Identify how contributors can help with Org-mode 
- Plan for making Org-mode easier to get started with

** Target Projects
- Org-mode
- Emacs development

* Devroom related URLs

* Name of the responsible

- Richard Moreland
- Christian Egli

* Email


* Relation to the topic

What ever you fancy, e.g

- community manager
- developer

* Remarks

Org-mode is a good match for FOSDEM since it brings together a diverse
community across many platforms (Unix, Windows, Mac, Mobile) and fosters
a renaissance of text-only power tools.


Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

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