Hi Bernd,

It seems that you have already found the best solution in the indirect
edit buffers (by calling C-c ' from inside of a code block).  I would
only add that in the email you mentioned below, I was specifically
talking about syntax highlighting of R code in Org-mode buffers, which
at the time I believed was not possible.  It would seem I was wrong, as
such syntax highlighting is now implemented in recent versions of
Org-mode through setting the `org-src-fontify-natively' variable.

Hope you enjoy using Org-mode with Ess.

Best -- Eric

Bernd Weiss <bernd.we...@uni-koeln.de> writes:

> Am 24.10.2010 05:44, schrieb Bernd Weiss:
>> Dear all,
>> Yesterday, I spent some time (re-)discovering the power of org-babel
>> and R. Everything works well but there is one issue that I find
>> somewhat annoying (I apologise if this word is too rude). As a
>> long-time ESS user I wish that I could use things like ESS syntax
>> highlighting, indentation or some keybindings (e.g. for "<-") inside
>> an R source code block. However, with respect to an e-mail from Eric
>> Schulte
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg22301.html
>> (or this one:
>> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/ess-help/2009-September/005544.html )
>> this seems to be a feature wich is hard to realise inside org-babel.
>> Is this (still) correct? Or is it a problem with my
>> installation/initialisation of org-mode/org-babel?[1]
> Ok, one workaround are indirect buffers, right? This blog post is
> really helpful (see "A note about syntax highlighting in Emacs")
> http://blogisticreflections.wordpress.com/2010/05/23/introduction-to-using-r-with-org-babel-part-1/
> Bernd
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