On Oct 15, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Ilya Shlyakhter wrote:
I think that a way to define logical groups of tags (or even a
hierarchy of tags
-- say with a subtree of tag names?) would be a very useful addition.

>>> On 10/16/2010 01:32 AM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
I can see that this could be useful - but the code is
not in any way prepared to do this, so this would be pretty hard
to implement.

I would also find it useful, though I appreciate that it won't be easy.

Some of the same purpose is already served by #+PROPERTY: xyz_ALL lines (a kind of tag group) and by tag inheritance (acting like a structured vocabulary in certain contexts, like a notes file structured by topic). But none of this provides the full functionality of structured vocabularies. The Drupal taxonomy module is a nice example.

On Oct 16, 2010, at 9:26 PM, Robert Horn wrote:
Is it worth exploring use of the properties drawer? The tags in org are
a fairly simple and thus limited structure. The properties drawer can
have a lot more structure with a more controlled environment.
On 10/16/10 4:09 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
I don't think I understand what you mean here. How would that help?

On 10/23/10 5:15 PM, Robert Horn wrote:
My first thought was just to deal with visual clutter and parsing
headaches. Encoding standards like IDv3 have a large list of tags and
tags with values that are encoded and hidden in MP3 files. The display
is controlled by application. This is very much like the drawer
behavior in org. So putting tags into drawers would deal with the
clutter associated with having a great many tags on one item.

But that's not new, that's what we have now -- the ability to hide away tags in a drawer by making them property values.

Isn't the point rather that properties are named? If Org gets a vocabulary structure, it could be restricted to certain named properties. There would be no need to look up the vocabulary tree for tags (which would remain 'flat' keywords by definition), nor for other properties than those defined as having a structured vocabulary. This might save on performance, as well as spare the user some confusion.

To build on the example in the Info pages:

*** Goldberg Variations
    :Title:     Goldberg Variations
    :Composer:  J.S. Bach
    :Artist:    Glenn Gould
    :Instrument: Piano
    :Publisher: Deutsche Grammophon
    :NDisks:    1

Here :Instrument: would be the only property with a vocab structure, part of which might look something like

* Instrument
** Strings
*** Lutes
*** Harps
*** Zithers
**** Piano
** Wind
** Percussion

So, this item would be one of the matches for a search for `Instrument=Strings'.

The next level would be to have org aware of the tag structure. This
would mean having a vocabulary description that describes the tags.
The vocabulary can be described as:

Top level: Context, e.g., GTD
    Level 1: TagA
      Level 2: TagB, a kind of TagA
         Level 3: TagC, a kind of TagB
    Level 1: TagD

Usually Tags are unique with in a context, but might collide between
contexts. So I might find the tag "TASK" used in different contexts.
Multiple tags can occur within a context, so something might have TagA
and TagD, and the presence of a lower level tag implies the higher level
tags. So TagC would imply TagB and TagA in the example above.

As long as only properties can have structured vocabularies, and not tags, the context will be given by the property name, helping avoid term collisions; a meteorologist could search his CD collection with `instrument=wind' and his research notes with `measurement=wind' without getting them mixed up. (This, again, is what we have today.)

The vocabulary description could easily be done with some lisp
customization, the way it is done for task states, or it could be in an
org file. Both ways have their advantages.

Agree. Since Org is so great for structured lists, thoguh, it would be really tempting to use an Org file to define vocabularies, e.g. as in the Goldberg Variations example above.

For each tag you can have a list of pairs of context+tag to keep tags
unique. Appending these as text to each line introduces a lot of visual
clutter and parsing headaches. I would put these into drawers to reduce
the visual clutter and manage duplication.

Again, this is what is achieved by restricting this functionality to properties.

What is not achieved, I'm afraid, is making it any easier to implement the feature on top of existing code.

Christian Moe

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