Jeff Horn <> writes: > Dear orgsters, > > I've had a few nagging questions that I didn't think warranted too > much discussion, but my curiosity has gotten the better of me this > evening. > > Firstly, I notice some of the regular posters wrap org source in the > #+ style org wrappers, others use a <--8--cut-here---8--> or some > similar "horizontal-rule", and yet others use some sort of vertical > "quoting": > > .---- > | like this > | or this > .__ > > My first question is two-fold: 1) how did you come to use this style > for quoting code in your replies, and 2) mind sharing the macros or > letting us know what packages you use that help make your e-mails look > tidy? > > Secondly, and somewhat related to the first, are orgsters simply using > gnus with message-mode hook to utilize org footnotes? I've noticed I > can style/face the text with a message-mode hook, but I'm wondering > how everyone deals, in general, with plain text footnotes in e-mail? > Do you even use footnotes for sharing links? > > Lastly, are any orgsters using gnus+gmail? I've tried just reading org > list mails in gnus, but I find switching back and forth to be jarring > if I read org list e-mails in a browser throughout the day, since I > end up re-reading a lot of mails. Also, mind sharing how you've mapped > the cumbersome "B m [Gmail]/Trash" to a better key? If anyone feels > inspired, I'd use a package that utilized gmail movement shortcuts in > gnus (so mark with x, move out of inbox with e, or move to trash (as > above) with #).
I have something like this in my .gnus (defun noorul/move-to-gmail-trash () (interactive) (let ((prefix (funcall gnus-move-group-prefix-function gnus-newsgroup-name))) (let ((trash (concat prefix "[Gmail]/Trash"))) (gnus-summary-move-article nil trash)))) (gnus-define-keys gnus-summary-mode-map "\C-c\C-g" noorul/move-to-gmail-trash) Also lots of gnus imap development is going on now. The latest dev build fetches imap mail faster. But still B m is quiet slow. I hope new work will give gnus a better future. Thanks and Regards Noorul _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.