
I've tried to export your file and I had no problems.  I believe the
problem you describe may be fixed in a recent (the last month or so)
patch to Org-mode.  Could you try checking out the latest development
version of Org-mode and let me know if the problem persists?


Best -- Eric

suvayu ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I am having some trouble with org-babel and exporting results. I am
> not sure what I am doing wrong.
> + while exporting to LaTeX->pdf if I answer y to evaluating source
>   blocks, I get a message like this and nothing is exported.
>> Evaluate this gnuplot code on your system? (y or n)  y
>> executing Gnuplot code block (plot-k-factor-w-err-png)...
>> org-babel-ref-resolve-reference: reference 'k-factor-red-table' not found in 
>> this buffer
> + Whereas if I evaluate the src block separately and then export,
>   every thing works as expected.
> What is wrong with my setup? How do I troubleshoot?

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