Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your reply. I actually did that as a first try, but the
problem is that the org->tex export generates a standard title page
(title, author, date), then the table of contents, and only after that
my title page.

So the question would rather be: how to deactivate the standard title
page and put mine before anything else in the document?

Thank you.


Jeff Horn writes:
 > Any code between LaTeX code blocks should execute automatically. For
 > example, I could place an entire .tex source between
 > #+BEGIN_LaTeX
 > [Code goes here]
 > #+END_LaTeX
 > And name the file tex.org and it can be exported to PDF. So, I would
 > just place the normal LaTeX commands you would use to accomplish what
 > you are trying to do in a code block, like above.
 > Good luck,
 > Jeff
 > On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 5:39 AM, Jordi Inglada
 > <jordi.ingl...@cesbio.cnes.fr> wrote:
 > > Hi all,
 > >
 > > I would like to export to LaTeX using "#+LaTeX_CLASS: book" and use a
 > > title page that I have built using the LaTeX titlepage environment. I
 > > don't know where to put the titlepage environment and how to
 > > deactivate the title page generation by the LaTeX export.
 > >
 > > Thank you for your help.
 > >
 > > Jordi
 > >
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 > -- 
 > Jeffrey Horn
 > Graduate Lecturer and PhD Student in Economics
 > George Mason University
 > (704) 271-4797
 > jh...@gmu.edu
 > jrhorn...@gmail.com
 > http://www.failuretorefrain.com/jeff/

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