Hi Seb,

I fully agree with your point, I believe I've just pushed up a fix for
this issue.  This commit includes a short function with a long name
`ob-tangle/no-excessive-id-insertion-on-tangle' in test-ob-tangle.el.

Best -- Eric

Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:

> Hi Eric,
> "Eric Schulte" wrote:
>> Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:
>>> "Eric Schulte" wrote:
>>>>> [...] empty first line that's always inserted at the beginning of the
>>>>> file. What should I do to get rid of that first *empty* line?
>>>> The following inhibits the insertion of blank lines on tangling.
>>>>   (setq org-babel-tangle-pad-newline nil)
>>> Of course, that does work as expected. Thanks for the tip.
>>> Another side-question about a little annoyance: when having just one src
>>> block to tangle in a big file, and when tangling it, Org(-Babel?) does
>>> first add IDs everywhere in my file, one for every section.
>>> Could we get rid of that? I don't even understand why one would be needed,
>>> though I could easily "accept" (;-)) to see an ID created in the sections
>>> containing elements to tangle.
>> This is caused by the tangling code calling `org-store-link' on every code
>> block, which is useful because we sometimes want to store links in the
>> tangled code for jumping back from the code to the relevant place in the
>> original org-mode file.
> I understand the need for creating links automatically to sections which host
> code blocks.
> However, I don't understand that tangling the *only* code block I have in an
> entire Org file does add ID in *every* section. Shouldn't it be limited to
> sections hosting code blocks in general (in particular, IMHO, it should even
> be limited to the only sections that contain blocks to *tangle*)?
>> `org-store-link' is called interactively, and it will insert ID values
>> according to the value of `org-link-to-org-use-id', which defaults to
>> `create-if-interactive-and-no-custom-id'. I suppose you could change the
>> value of this variable which should avoid the insertion of custom IDs.
> I have the same value as you.
> I could try every of them, but -- from the doc -- I don't see any better
> option for this. I want IDs to be created!  It's only I'd like them to be
> created for sections that need it...
> Best regards,
>   Seb

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