On Oct 14, 2010, at 12:19 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
It seems that even the most recent org version can be
compiled either under Xemacs 21.5.X or under Xemacs
21.4.X[1], provided the following two criteria are met:
- The Makefile is modified like this:
| BATCH=$(EMACS) -batch -q -no-site-file -
eval \
| "(setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name \"./lisp/\")
(cons(expand-file-name \"./xemacs\") (cons \"$(lispdir)\" load-
Hi Uwe,
what does the (expand-file-name \"./xemacs\") do? The Org
distribution no longer contains an xemacs directory.
- org-freemind is modified by commenting out the
(require 'rx)!
This is annoying. It is possible to expand the rx calls and inline
the resulting regular expressions, but I guess Lennart would not want
me to do this. For me, rx regexps are more difficult to read than
string ones because I have been working with the string represenations
for such a long time.
You know what, I am going to ask Lennart if he would object....
I'll get back to you
- Carsten
It is important to note, that rx cannot be used. I loaded rx
and tried to compile org-freemind (with require 'rx)
or I included rx in the xemacs directory and run the Make
file in all cases I obtained.
| While compiling org-freemind-convert-links-from-org:
| !! Wrong type argument ((listp ?\[))
Which looks serious.
In any case with this workaround some functionality is
missed but you obtain a working org installation.
I suggest to add this to the documentation in
Uwe Brauer
[1] I only tried it with mule support I am not sure about
No Mule.
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- Carsten
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