On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 07:59:23PM +0200, Manuel Danzl wrote:
> I'm a happy org-mode user since a few month's and I'm using org-publish
> to write on some work related documentation. Now my collegues asked me
> to export the docs not only to html but also to plain text!
> Unfortunately, org-mode currently lacks a publishing function exporting
> to ascii, so I kindly ask you to implement it.

Copying from the definition for org-publish-org-to-html:

#+BEGIN_SRC: emacs-lisp

(defun org-publish-org-to-ascii (plist filename pub-dir)
  "Publish an org file to ASCII.
See `org-publish-org-to' to the list of arguments."
    (org-publish-org-to "ascii" plist filename pub-dir)))


you can even use "utf8" instead of "ascii".

Then use the newly defined org-publish-org-to-ascii as the
:publishing-function in your publish project.

Not tested, you try it :-)


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