If so, are any of you having trouble with the faces in agenda buffers?

I'm finding that I get all of the todo keywords in what looks like the
warning face --- bright red.  It's a problem because it looks like the
display is shouting at me about tasks that are DONE, not just ones that
are still TODO.

I don't see this problem in the ordinary org buffers.  In those buffers
the todo keywords are colored differently -- e.g., red for TODO and
green for DONE.

I was wondering if this is a misconfiguration on my part (I don't
/think/ I have customized any aspect of org-mode display), or if there's
some bad interaction between aquamacs (I'm using 2.1) faces and
org-mode, or if I've misconfigured aquamacs, so it doesn't handle the
org-mode faces properly.

Any suggestions would be very welcome.


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