Hi Carsten and Nick,

Carsten Dominik wrote:
> On Sep 30, 2010, at 7:08 PM, Sébastien Vauban wrote:
>> Nick Dokos wrote:
>>> Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Having to wait 92 seconds at startup, or a long time just a few minutes
>>>>>> later has the same impact for me.
>>> Maybe you should try adding a call to the profiler to your .emacs and try
>>> to measure e.g. how much the font locking costs. Off the top of my head
>>> and entirely untested, adding (require 'elp) might be enough.
>> Here are the results.
>> font-lock-fontify-buffer               96   15.383627999  0.1602461249
> Well, the point I am trying to make already for a number of messages is
> this: font-lock-fontify-buffer should not be called at all - it is not
> called in my setup.
> But, apparently, fontlock is bad, but not the worst issue you are
> encountering.
>> font-lock-default-fontify-buffer       96   15.378296000  0.1601905833
>> font-lock-fontify-region               96   15.284044000  0.1592087916
>> font-lock-default-fontify-region       96   15.282674000  0.1591945208
>> font-lock-fontify-keywords-region      96   15.184516     0.1581720416
>> font-lock-prepend-text-property        8608   0.2712220000  3.150...e-05
>> font-lock-unfontify-region             96   0.0859729999  0.0008955520
>> font-lock-add-keywords                 166   0.0800819999  0.0004824216
>> font-lock-compile-keywords             138   0.0671930000  0.0004869057
>> font-lock-default-unfontify-region     96   0.0378660000  0.0003944375
>> font-lock-mode                         142   0.0344680000  0.0002427323

For whatever reason, I've noticed that there are:

- 96 calls for 32 files in my org-agenda-files
- 99 calls for 33 files in my org-agenda-files

hence, 3 font-lock-fontify-buffer calls per Org file[1].

Anyway, I now do have found the culprit: the =column-marker= package (which
highlights my columns 78, 79 and 80 of text), loaded in my .emacs file by this

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  ;; highlight columns 78 to 80 in some modes
  (when (require 'column-marker)

    (dolist (hook '(emacs-lisp-mode-hook
      (add-hook hook (lambda ()
                       (column-marker-1 78)
                       (column-marker-2 79)
                       (column-marker-3 80)))))

It accounts for a bit more than 10 s delay in the total time of my .emacs file
-- which, currently, still calls (org-agenda-list):

- with it, total time is 70s - 73s
- without it, total time is 80s - 84s

The difference is really huge...

Though, such a capability being really nice, do you know some replacement for

Best regards,

[1] The offending package highlights 3 columns in the buffer: maybe that's the
    factor 3 for every Org file...

Sébastien Vauban

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