Achim Gratz <> writes:

> Markus Heller <> writes:
>> I removed the old Java version from %PATH%, and now java -version gives
>> the correct version (1.6.0_21).
> Good.
>> But when I try to run the same ditaa code from within org-mode using
>> babel, I get error messages:
> Sure, you've only changed the %PATH% in the cmd window, all other
> processes still see the old value.  You need to remove it from the
> %PATH% on system level, then it should also work from Emacs.  If you
> customize exec-path in Emacs you might be able to remove the wrong path
> there (if you try, just save it "for this session only"), but you should
> really remove the old JRE completely if only for security reasons.

Actually, I did change the system %PATH% through the control panel and
environment variables, but I did not re-start emacs.  After doing that,
everything works fine :)

Oh, and I'd *love* to remove the old JRE, but that's part of another
software installation (I'm working in a company), and unfortunately, I
can't just wipe that thing off my hard drive.

Anyway, issue solved :)

Thanks to all and Cheers!!

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