Carsten Dominik <> writes:

> Hi everyone,
> once this is resolved, I believe this would be important to be added
> to the FAQ.
> Can someone please take care of this?
> Thanks!
> - Carsten

Ah, yes, thanks for reminding me to follow up on this.

> On Sep 28, 2010, at 7:00 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
>> John Hendy <> writes:
>>> Can you check your CLASSPATH environment variable? Mine is (not sure
>>> if it's correct, but it works...):
>>> .;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\
>> Unset this variable and try again.  The default CLASSPATH is simply
>> ".",
>> but you don't need to set the environment variable then.
>> BTW, you can run 'java -verbose' to get more output that may show you
>> where the problem really is (like looking for files in the wrong place
>> or something like that).

The problem has not been solved, but I have confirmed that the cause is
*NOT* related to org-mode, so there's no need for a FAQ entry :)

Thanks to all the folks who tried to help, on the list and off the list.


PS: Here's a quick summary for those interested:

The root of all evil is *NOT* org-mode, but rather the fact that my OS
(windoze XP) insists on finding an outdated Java version (1.4).  I have
installed the Java 1.6 runtime environment, and as far as I can tell, all
my environment variables contain only pointers to this installation, yet
java -version shows 1.4.2_03.

I just figured out that this old installation is connected to another
piece of software, which is annoying as hell in itself.

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