
I've just created a hack to for org-mode (and org-remember) to receive
and parse URLs from OpenStreetMap and Google Maps. The function extracts
longitude and latitude and sets GEO property of the node to geo: URI.

The code is easily extendable. To add support for other maps one has to
add a branch in the `cond' in stl/org-dnd-set-geo-property, that sets
`lon' and `lat' appropriately *and* a regular expression in

To see it running just drag and drop the URL that contains geographic
coordinates from the address bar (or the "Link" link in the upper right
corner of the Google Maps window) over a node to get its GEO property

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(defun stl/org-dnd-set-geo-property (uri action)
    (let (lat lon)
                                        ; OpenStreetMap
         "^http://\\(?:www\.\\)openstreetmap\.org/" uri)
        (dolist (p (split-string (cadr (split-string uri "\?")) "&" ))
           ((string-match "lat=\\(-?[.0-9]+\\)" p)
            (setq lat (match-string 1 p)))
           ((string-match "lon=\\(-?[.0-9]+\\)" p)
            (setq lon (match-string 1 p))))))
                                        ; Google Maps
         "^http://maps\.google\.com/.*ll=\\(-?[.0-9]+\\),\\(-?[.0-9]+\\)" uri)
        (setq lat (match-string 1 uri) lon (match-string 2 uri))))
      (unless (outline-previous-heading)
        (search-forward-regexp org-outline-regexp))
      (org-set-property "GEO" (concat "geo:" lat "," lon)))))

(defun stl/org-dnd-add-geo-support ()
stl/org-dnd-set-geo-property)) dnd-protocol-alist)))

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'stl/org-dnd-add-geo-support)
(add-hook 'org-remember-mode-hook 'stl/org-dnd-add-geo-support)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

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