Rémi Vanicat <vani...@debian.org> writes:

> Richard Riley <rile...@gmail.com> writes:
>> You have no idea how pleased I am to hear you say that ... I sometimes
>> wondered if I should go back to notepad ;) When asking the #emacs irc it
>> seemed I was the only one in the world that constantly had issues. Of
>> course mentioning "Debian" immediately saw me get the "oh debian" cold
>> shoulder ... ;) LOL.
> On Debian you should use update-info-dir ( as in
> $ update-info-dir /path/to/infos
> to generate the dir file. (This may work on others distribution too, I
> don't know if it is a Debian specific tools)
> [...]
Yes, I knew about that and thing I submitted an update for the makefile
yonks ago to use just that. The issue seemed to be with multiple dirs
and then emacs having its own info file paths. I need to get back to building
my own emacs on debian and see what happens to be more explicit - I just
know that I, and from #emacs, others ended up in a kind of pickle.

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