Hi Gez,

"Gez" <regis...@geekanddiva.com> writes:
> 1. How I find out which version of orgmode I have? I'm assuming from
> http://orgmode.org/ that it's 6.21b, but is there a way of confirming
> this? 

M-x org-version

> 2. Do I need to compile at all?  At least in order to get started
> learning and using it? 

No.  I never compile the sources.

> 3. Whether or not I compile, how do I "install" the downloaded
> org-mode files?  Should I just copy them into \emacs-23.2\lisp\org
> (where my org lisp files are now) and let them overwrite where
> necessary? 

Add this to your .emacs file (adjust the path):

  (add-to-list 'load-path "C:org-mode/lisp/")

This way, the sources of the downloaded Org-mode will be found before
the ones that come with emacs.

> 3. In the example path in the function on
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.php#compiling-org-without-make, the
> org-lisp-directory is under .emacs.d but my org files are under
> \emacs-23.2\lisp\org - does this matter?

Yes.  You'd need to adjust this line:

;; Customize:
(setq my/org-lisp-directory "~/.emacs.d/org/lisp")

> 4. Assuming the path is ok as it is, how do I enter the path into the
> function - do I write the whole path - e.g.
> Q:\progs\emacs-23.2\lisp\org ? 

No need for parameters, ones the path is adjusted (item 3.).

> 5. What option should I choose for org-compile-sources in the
> function? (I don't know what it means.) 

Just change this line

  (setq  my/org-compile-sources t)

to this:

  (setq  my/org-compile-sources nil)

if you do not want to compile the sources.

> 6. Finally, how do I use this function?  Do I write it to my .emacs
> and then call it?  What is the command? 

M-x  my/compile-org  RET

That's it.



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