Hi Marcelo,

Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
>> * TODO Fix the bug no #434 :PROJECT_NAME:BUG:
>> What I'd like to do is to allow developers to quickly input bugs, just
>> like a remember template, but that include tags by default, so only
>> the topic would be needed. Is it possible without too much elisp
>> hacking?
> It just came to my mind that tags are, ermm, just strings, and I just did
> that:
>      ("Bug" ?b "*** TODO %^{Description} :PROJECT_NAMEBUG:\nAdded:
> %U", "~/org/gtd/gtd.org")

For my own understanding, some questions/comments:

- is your bug number coming from elsewhere?

- do you have links to a BugZilla tracking system, or something similar?

- why not using =%^G= in your template for prompting for tags (with completion
  on tags in all agenda files), in case the project name could have to be
  specified more dynamically?

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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