Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com>

> Hi Richard,
> Richard Riley wrote:
>> I often find myself chopping a large source code block into smaller
>> entities with their own notes, tags and comments etc. This small utility
>> facilitates that by wrapping the current region with org entry markers
>> and src code delimiters. It assumes you are in a currently src block.
>> http://splash-of-open-sauce.blogspot.com/2010/09/mark-region-as-src-code-if-prefix-used.html
> That seems very interesting... and promising. It's the sort of thing I often
> need to do as well, though maybe with slight differences from your code.
>> Its currently hardcoded for emacs-lisp but it might be useful nonetheless.
> Just a question (that could, maybe, make this limitation disappear): did you
> try using Yasnippet (with its =yas/selected-text= possibilities) for this job?
> Best regards,
>   Seb

Nope. I never once managed to get yasnippet working in any way that
didnt conflict with tabbing for indentation or somehow start inserting
templates where I didnt want them. But I must admit I didn't try very
hard ;) If you want to share you yasnippet setup I will try it.

☘ http://www.shamrockirishbar.com, http://splash-of-open-sauce.blogspot.com/ 

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