Hi all,
I’ve just switched from OmniFocus and began using Org mode. But I also 
discovered that it can be used for literate programming and I’d like to ask if 
is there a way to use an included file in the tangling phase. In other words, I 
have a file which includes a commons.org file, like this:

=== commons.org contents ===
* Variabili comuni
#+SRCNAME: entity-name
#+BEGIN_SRC :noweb yes

=== main.org contents ===
#+INCLUDE: "commons.org"

* Sezione in SQL
#+SRCNAME: sql-module
#+BEGIN_SRC sql :tangle module.sql :noweb yes
  select *
  from table <<entity-name>>;

<<entity-name>> should come from the commons but it’s not.

Is there a way to expand values from included files?

Thank you in advance.

Giorgio Valoti

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