As I said before, I'm really enjoying org-mode. I love that I can keep
all my semester's teaching data in one text file and zoom in right to
where I want quickly. But, today I found a not-good interaction between
it and the main programming mode that I use in Emacs (sclang-mode, an
interactive front end for the supercollider* audio programming language).
Supercollider keeps objects internally for code documents. These are
connected to Emacs buffers. The sclang-mode lisp code assigns an integer
index to buffers that supercollider is supposed to know about, and
passes those indices into the sc interpreter. When I run sclang-mode on
its own, this is all totally stable. It's also stable if I have an
org-mode buffer open and I'm editing only.
As soon as org-mode opens a calendar buffer, the sclang interpreter no
longer knows about its Document buffers -- i.e., when in a buffer that's
been loaded from disk, the sc code "Document.current.path" should return
the full path to the file, but after opening the calendar,
Document.current returns 'nil' and .path fails with an error. This could
happen if Emacs tells sclang that the buffer closed (but the buffer is
still open).
This is consistent behavior that I can reproduce on-demand, both in
Aquamacs 1.9 (OSX) and Emacs 23 on Ubuntu. Opening an agenda view does
not trigger the problem. It seems to be just the calendar.
Why would opening a calendar buffer to choose a date mess around with
other modes' buffers?
Not a major, major problem for me but it seems something fishy is going
on and I thought I would report it.
James Harkins /// dewdrop world
"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal." -- Whitman
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