Joseph Buchignani <> writes:

> Summary: I would like habits to automatically be marked as the todo keyword
> "HABIT" instead of "TODO" after I mark them "DONE"
> Reasons:
> I want to keep my habits separate from my tasks. But they display together
> on my TODO list. This makes it hard to keep track of what's a habit and
> what's not.

You can exclude from your TODO list all entris with a STYLE propert
equal `habit'.

> I could change a setting so that scheduled tasks are no longer considered
> open. But then I lose the ability to see all my habits in a list on the TODO
> view.
> Also, I like to see habits clearly marked HABIT instead of TODO in my org
> outline.

That's a much better reason.

> Keeping the keywords separated fits better with my workflow. Normally I only
> need to work on habits from within the org agenda, not the todo list. For
> example, I start the day by executing scheduled tasks, then priority A
> tasks, then priority A habits, etc.
> Is there some setting I can change to do this? Right now I am doing it
> manually.

I'd try putting habits in a separate file with its own set of TODO
kewords defined in a line beginning with `#+SEQ_TODO'. You can also try
defining a different DONE keyword for habits together with HABIT and use
it as a TODO keyword sequence as described here.

<info:org#Multiple sets in one file>

I am sure someone with more moxie and bigger mojo than me (at least for
now i.e. 00:08 CEST) could come up with a function you could add to
org-after-todo-state-change-hook that does exactly what you want.

Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

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