On Aug 12, 2010, at 9:31 PM, Kai wrote:

Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaziou <at> gmail.com> writes:
Now on to a possible bug. :) I have noticed that when I include named
footnotes within an unordered list, the LaTeX exported file has
problems, and mixes in the text (after the first word) of a named
footnote directly within the text of the unordered list item.  Named
footnotes that are in ordered lists are exported without a problem.

This bug may be the same one that was described in this message,
though the OP didn't provide follow-up information:
...also, I think the problem does not happen with numbered footnotes
in unordered lists, as the single response message by Matt Lundin

I don't want to sound arrogant, but this bug should already be fixed
in my list improvement branch. Could you confirm it?

There's one problem left though: underscores in first URL are
interpreted as math text, producing strange results.


Thanks for the fast response. Yes, the bug is fixed in your list improvement branch, thank you. When will those improvements be merged to trunk/ master?

If some people get this branch and test it *extensively*, and report back here,
then it will happen sooner.

- Carsten

And yes, Nicolas has spotted a new bug from my example, caused by parenthesized
underscores in hyperlinks that are interpreted incorrectly.


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