Hi, I've updated my proposed ob-lisp module for the new API. I am now
using org updated from git head.

Despite having the ob-template.el and ob-clojure modules, I'm still
stuck making sessions work properly. Executing successive statements
with an already-open SLIME session works (testing with SBCL and latest
SLIME) but it doesn't update the *inferior-lisp* buffer the way I
would like, hangs emacs, and also results in weird errors about
"asynchronous evaluation aborted".

The tangling works since it is language-agnostic, and the tangling is
95% of what i need. But I would love to be able to execute blocks
dynamically without the glitches I have now.

Perhaps someone more familiar with org and slime could help? I feel
like I've run out of ideas.

Thanks everyone. By the way, I am still working on my DAM (digital
asset management) litprog ideas, inspired by org-babel.
The current version of my proposal document with some ideas:
An example, working on a game's code using org-babel literate tools:

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