After recently upgrading to the most recent org-mode, org-babel R and 
org-export have shown some rather peculiar behavior. After processing some R 
code, the results are printed out below the code block with 

blah blah blah (at least that's what I suspect reviewers at the last journal I 
submitted to called the output)

Now, when I go to export my org file to pdf, the R-output does not appear. 
However, if I go through and either delete the #+results: line or put a blank 
line between it and #+begin_example, the export works fine and the output from 
R appears. The same is true if I export to HTML. 

Now that I know the fix, the problem is easy enough to deal with as I go 
through a batch of experiments.


Neil Hepburn, Economics Instructor
Department of Social Sciences, Augustana Faculty
University of Alberta
4901-46 Avenue
Camrose, Alberta  T4V 2R3

Phone (780) 679-1588

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