I'm still not getting it... Must be really stupid :-(
This is the message buffer with the error I get when I try to
------------------start error----------------
Creating agendas...done
Saving all Org-mode buffers...
Saving file /Users/erwin/Dropbox/MobileOrg/index.org...
Wrote /Users/erwin/Dropbox/MobileOrg/index.org
Saving all Org-mode buffers... done
Copying files...
org-mobile-copy-agenda-files: Input and output files are the same:
Unknown error: 0, /Users/erwin/Dropbox/MobileOrg/main.org,
-----------------end error-------------------
This is what I did:
- created new_tasklist.org in ~/Dropbox/MobileOrg and put some tasks &
scheduled stuff inside
- opened up ~/Dropbox/MobileOrg/index.org and appended the newly created
file at the end like [[file:new_tasklist.org][new_tasklist.org]]
- did org-mobile-push
Hope to get this straight asap!
It would be sooooo great :-)
Thanks for sticking with me!
On 30/07/10 14:42, Erwin Panen wrote:
Richard, thanks for clarifying.
I feel like such a moron :-)
I'm fighting with this for such a long time - and it's so obvious...
A couple more questions:
- Suppose I have my main.org, containing a tasklist.
Is it correct that, on the mobile device, I can only change status,
priority & tags
But I can't add a new *task* or item??
- I'm also confused about file location(s)
1. org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/MobileOrg
2. org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/git/org/from-mobile.org"
I've also read that "By default all agenda files (as listed in
org-agenda-files)" are pushed to MobileOrg using Push / Pull
Is it then true, that e.g. agenda files located in ~/git/org/ will ALSO
by synched to MobileOrg?
- Lastly (for now :-) )
What is the purpose of the "Show app badge" in Settings on the iPad
Do you have any plans for a HD version? (iPad)
Thanks a lot for this tremendous App!
And your precious help :-)
On 30/07/2010 13:40, Richard Moreland wrote:
Hi Erwin,
There are a few touch regions on each table row in an outline in
MobileOrg. If you tap the blue icon at the right of each row, you
will view the details for that node (IMG_0019.PNG). This is useful
for editing a node's contents, todo state, etc.
If you want to dig into the outline, just tap more to the left, on the
text of the node (in this case, "main.org"). That should present you
with the child nodes of the file, and you can continue digging down
from there.
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any more trouble.
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 6:27 AM, Erwin Panen<erwinpa...@fastmail.fm>
I'm adding - if attachments allowed - 2 screenshots.
What happens with my main.org file is this:
- It gets synched to my iPhone allright
- On my Outlines list, the main.org file is properly listed
- When I slide to open main.org, the Tasks& Brainstorms items are not
- I see there main.org, it says No body text (greyed out), Tdo state:
Priority None, Tags, None
- However, when I tap on "View as Document", I get my tasklist, and I
see everything, but off course can't treat them as Todo...
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
On 30/07/2010 11:50, Erwin Panen wrote:
Hi folks,
Trying to get my head round setting up MobileOrg :-)
I don't consider myself a real orgmode expert, but I (seem) to find my
way round. (This is mainly due to me wanting to "really grasp"
and of course the combination Emacs / Orgmode / lisp has a seemingly
neverending list of capabilities - so it takes some time to "grasp" a
What am I doing?
- I've set up Emacs / Orgmode on my newly acquired MacBook, this is
(see other helfull posts)
- I've MobileOrg on my iPhone and iPad (any sight on a HD update for
- I've also setup a DropBox account, and setup MobileOrg to sync with
it. - This seems to be working
Now I'm trying to imitate what Richard Moreland has recorded in his
I come to realize that MobileOrg functions / depends on creating agenda
I'm not very proficient with agenda views, but I've found that any org
file that I add to the "File list for Agenda" gets synched to my
and synched to my iPad - So I think this is Ok, and I'm glad I
understand this.
Now what I'm missing - and here's my real question:
- On my iPad / iPhone I don't see any TODO tags or TAGS appearing.
I have created Richard's main.org file, and copied over these, but I
don't see any TODO state or such coming up:
#+STARTUP: showsome
#+TAGS: { home work garage errand }
-----------------------------end copy----------------------------
What am I missing here?
Thanks for your patience& help!
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