On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Erwin Panen <erwinpa...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> A couple more questions:
> - Suppose I have my main.org, containing a tasklist.
>    Is it correct that, on the mobile device, I can only change status,
> priority & tags
>    But I can't add a new *task* or item??

This is correct, you can't modify the outline's structure.  The idea
is you can edit tasks if you need to (mark as done, edit content, etc)
and you can capture new notes.  When you get back to your PC and you
org-mobile-pull, the changes you made are integrated back into the
real org files on your desktop.  New notes are added into
from-mobile.org for you to refile as you please.  You would then
org-mobile-push again to make sure the server gets the latest
integrated copies.

> - I'm also confused about file location(s)
>    1. org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/MobileOrg
>    2. org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/git/org/from-mobile.org"
>    I've also read that "By default all agenda files (as listed in
> org-agenda-files)" are pushed to MobileOrg using Push / Pull
>    Is it then true, that e.g. agenda files located in ~/git/org/ will ALSO
> by synched to MobileOrg?

Sorry, not exactly sure what you mean here, but all files listed in
org-agenda-files are 'staged' during org-mobile-push.  If you have
extra files in ~/git/org/ that aren't in org-agenda-files, they won't
be available in MobileOrg.

>    What is the purpose of the "Show app badge" in Settings on the iPad

It was suggested that the app badge indicate outstanding edits you've
made that haven't been synced yet.  The idea is that you can make some
offline edits and click 'Sync' at your convenience.  The badge helps
you remember to do that.

>    Do you have any plans for a HD version? (iPad)

I've been tinkering with a new version that runs on iOS 4 (to support
the fast app-switching, which is great by the way) and iPad.  There
are some tweaks that need to be made still, if anyone wants to
volunteer I'd be happy to help :)

I think this example configuration might clarify things for you:

;; You should only touch these files, treat them as you normally would
(setq org-directory "~/git/org")

;; You should never touch these files with your editor.
Org-mobile-push and -pull are responsible for putting files into and
pulling files out of this directory.
(setq org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/MobileOrg")

So in your case, it is probably best to empty the contents of
~/Dropbox/MobileOrg, set the variables as described above, then do an
org-mobile-push again.

Hope this helps,

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