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Hi Eric,

On 23/07/2010 19:45, Eric Schulte wrote:
> Hi Rainer,
> I general it is useful to have the results of Babel-evaluated code
> appear in the session history as it can help for debugging.

Ok - agreed. The results are quite useful - but I would prefer the
history of the commands in the R session which is accessible by C-up to
not include the commands issued - but I can live with it as it is now.

> Maybe (if you are specifying the session on a subtree or file wide
> bases) it would be possible to change the session name to a different
> name so that your normal working session won't be polluted.

Wouldn't work, as I am creating a report of an object created in the
other R session - unless I save it and load it, which would be an
option. I'll think about it.

> This is butting up against a more general feature which has been dancing
> in the twilight of Babel's glow for some time now.  Namely the ability
> to specify header arguments which are conditional on the export state,
> where export state can be something like
> - nil :: not currently export, this is the default
> - t :: an export is taking place
> - html :: exporting to html
> - latex :: exporting to latex
> - ascii :: exporting to ascii
> etc...

I think that would be really useful - in addition, when I want to
include a graph in the export, I would prefer to be able to specify one
format for html (png) and pdf for latex / pdf export.

> How exactly this should best be folded into the existing header argument
> resolution schema is not immediately clear, so this development may take
> some time.
> If anyone has suggestions on syntax or behavior for this functionality
> please do share.

Unfortunately not,

Cheers and thanks,


> Thanks -- Eric
> Rainer M Krug <r.m.k...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hi
>> assuming I have the following in an org buffer (and enabled evaluation
>> of R code), and export it to html.
>> The exported html looks perfect, but when I go into the *R_test* buffer,
>> I see all the commands evaluated in the export (which is not such a
>> problem), but they are also inserted in the history.
>> When evaluating a line of code in ESS, this line is evaluated, but NOT
>> added to the history. Would that be possible for evaluation of R code
>> during export as well?
>> My reasoning is, that I have a report in an .org file, which is using an
>> existing R session in which I conduct simulations. When creating the
>> report from a finished simulation, my command history in the *R* buffer
>> contains all the commands evaluated for the export, and if I want to
>> change one parameter for the simulation, I either have to go back
>> several commands to find it, or type it in again. If the evaluated
>> commands would not appear in the history, I could simply go one command
>> back.
>> If it is not to much work, it would be great if this could be changed.
>> Cheers and thanks for an excellent tool,
>> Rainer
>> ############################################
>> #+BABEL: session *R_test*
>> ** test
>> #+begin_src R :exports both
>>   x <- 5
>>   x
>> #+end_src
>> ############################################

- -- 
Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation
Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
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email:      rai...@krugs.de

Skype:      RMkrug
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