>>>>> "David" == David A Gershman <dagersh...@dagertech.net> writes:

    David> Hello,

    David> I was wondering if there was a feature in OrgMode to provide
    David> 'VALARM's when exporting to .ics?

    David> A sample event created, for example, in Sunbird generated
    David> this code:

    David> DESCRIPTION:Mozilla Alarm: Lunch w/Bob ACTION:DISPLAY
    David> END:VALARM

For what its worth, I vote aye on this too.  I am hacking one-way sync
with Google calander, and from there to my Windows Mobile phone.

I really want my phone to yell at me when I have an appoinment coming
up, and would like to use org mode exclusively for calendaring.  This
feature would be a really great addition to org-mode.

Regards all,


Daniel E. Doherty

Up the airy mountain,
Down the rushy glen,
We daren't go a-hunting,
For fear of little men.
          --- William Allingham (Donegal, Ireland)

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