On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 14:08:32 +0100, Peter Westlake wrote:

> On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 16:58 +0530, "Puneeth" <puncha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's a Pythonic way to do it, tested:

>   import re

>   my_string = "Hello\nWorld"
>   pattern = re.compile('^',re.MULTILINE)
>   my_new_string = re.sub(pattern, '> ', my_string)

> This still might not be quite right, as it will turn "Hello\nWorld\n"
> into "> Hello\n> World\n> ". Avoid that by using a negative lookahead
> for the end of the string:

>   my_string = "Hello\n\nWorld\n"
>   pattern = re.compile('^(?!\Z)',re.MULTILINE)
>   my_new_string = re.sub(pattern, '> ', my_string)
>   print my_new_string

> gives:

>> Hello
>> World

Although python does not recommend TIMTOWTDI, but I would
use the following function

  s = lambda str: ''.join(['< ' + s for s in str.splitlines(True)])

I think it is much nicer and clearer to me -- probably
because I use a lot of haskell.  And the following is the
function s in haskell

  s = unlines . map ("< " ++) . lines

Just my 2c.
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Y    */\      <

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