On Jul 20, 2010, at 4:32 AM, Erik Iverson wrote:


1.) Could the original mail (the one including the actual patch, even if
    modified) be attached to the autogenerated email, please?
This should be at the very bottom of the mail, because of length and

2.) And how about the subject? The OP's subject is what I read on the
    patchwork server.  Why can't that be (part of) the subject of the
    "Accepted" message? E.g.:

    [Orgmode] [ACCEPTED] org-capture with LISP function template

    Maybe something that works on gmane et al, too.

3.) If there are annotations to the patch,  would it be possible to
include that comment in that automated message? I don't now how the patch is switched to accepted on the patchwork server. But a simple textarea field and appropriate POST variable would do, wouldn't it?

4) If traffic warrants it and as more users join this list generating more posts... perhaps a new list called emacs-orgmode-dev for development related work?

This proposal has come up in the past, but so far the conclusion
always has been that we still prefer to keep things together.
I guess with modern email readers with filtering, high volumne
mailing lists do not present a big issue.

May people already prefix email subject with [PATCH] or "Bug:",
which helps in filtering.

- Carsten

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