On 7/12/2010 11:18 AM, Markus Heller wrote:
On 7/12/2010 10:05 AM, Markus Heller wrote:
On 7/12/2010 9:29 AM, Markus Heller wrote:

today, after starting emacs, the agenda does not work anymore. I type
C-a a to get the daily overview, but org gets stuck at CONTENTS...done
(see message buffer at the end).

When I try f9-m (see Bernt's set-up), I get the following message in the
mini-buffer: mapcar: Wrong type argument: listp, \.\.\.

I pulled the latest release, but that didn't help unfortunately.

I did some more testing: No matter what agenda command I use, it
emacs/org always get stuck at CONTENTS...done. Doesn't matter if it's
C-a a, or C-a t ...

My versions:

Org-mode: Org-mode version 6.36trans (release_6.36.608.gc1ef)
emacs: 23.2.1
Windoze XP

The same issue exists when using emacs 23.1.1.

ANy ideas? ANyone?

After more testing, I think I've narrowed it down to an issue with my
agenda files.

I add my agenda files using (C-c [), and all files exist in the
appropriate directory. But when I uncomment all files except for one in
my .emacs, I get the following error:

non-existent agenda file GTD.org [R]emove from list or [A]bort?

Then I noticed a whole bunch of messages in the *Messages* buffer after
typing f9-o (again using Bernt's set-up) as shown below.

So now it seems to me that org is working fine, and that gathering ID
location data seems to take way longer than usual, which leads me to
believe that something is wrong with our network ...

I apologize for any confusion and wasted time my postings might have

I think I've finally found the problem and the solution!

I've finally started to use git for my .org-files, and I'm still very new to git. But ever since I initialized the repository, emacs loads vc-git, which apparently is bundled with emacs. My suspicion was that all those ID locations are in fact related to vc-git, and upon disabling vc-git by putting

(setq vc-handled-backends nil)

in my .emacs, the agenda is being build as fast as usual.  :)

Hope that helps ...


Finding ID locations (26/65 files): h:/org/R0015.org
Finding ID locations (27/65 files): h:/org/R0015.org_archive
Finding ID locations (28/65 files): h:/org/G0865.org
Finding ID locations (29/65 files): h:/org/G0865.org_archive
Press key for agenda command:
Finding ID locations (1/79 files): h:/org/G0580.org
Finding ID locations (2/79 files): h:/org/G0580.org_archive
Finding ID locations (3/79 files): h:/org/S0812.org
Finding ID locations (4/79 files): h:/org/S0812.org_archive
Finding ID locations (5/79 files): h:/org/S0425.org
Finding ID locations (6/79 files): h:/org/S0425.org_archive
Finding ID locations (7/79 files): h:/org/S0424.org
Finding ID locations (8/79 files): h:/org/S0424.org_archive
Finding ID locations (9/79 files): h:/org/S0423.org
Finding ID locations (10/79 files): h:/org/S0423.org_archive
Finding ID locations (11/79 files): h:/org/C0775.org
Finding ID locations (12/79 files): h:/org/C0775.org_archive
Finding ID locations (13/79 files): h:/org/refile.org
Finding ID locations (14/79 files): h:/org/R0787.org
Finding ID locations (15/79 files): h:/org/R0787.org_archive
Finding ID locations (16/79 files): h:/org/R0657.org
Finding ID locations (17/79 files): h:/org/R0657.org_archive
Finding ID locations (18/79 files): h:/org/R0279.org
Finding ID locations (19/79 files): h:/org/R0279.org_archive
Finding ID locations (20/79 files): h:/org/R0048.org
Finding ID locations (21/79 files): h:/org/R0048.org_archive
Finding ID locations (22/79 files): h:/org/R0047.org
Finding ID locations (23/79 files): h:/org/R0047.org_archive
Finding ID locations (24/79 files): h:/org/R0029.org
Finding ID locations (25/79 files): h:/org/R0029.org_archive
Finding ID locations (26/79 files): h:/org/R0015.org
Finding ID locations (27/79 files): h:/org/R0015.org_archive
Finding ID locations (28/79 files): h:/org/G0865.org
Finding ID locations (29/79 files): h:/org/G0865.org_archive
Finding ID locations (30/79 files): h:/org/G0749.org
Finding ID locations (31/79 files): h:/org/G0749.org_archive
Finding ID locations (32/79 files): h:/org/G0689.org
Finding ID locations (33/79 files): h:/org/G0689.org_archive
Finding ID locations (34/79 files): h:/org/G0473.org
Finding ID locations (35/79 files): h:/org/G0473.org_archive
Finding ID locations (36/79 files): h:/org/G0439.org
Finding ID locations (37/79 files): h:/org/G0439.org_archive
Finding ID locations (38/79 files): h:/org/G0431.org
Finding ID locations (39/79 files): h:/org/G0431.org_archive
Finding ID locations (40/79 files): h:/org/GTD.org
Finding ID locations (41/79 files): h:/org/GTD.org_archive
Finding ID locations (42/79 files): h:/org/G0630.org
Finding ID locations (43/79 files): h:/org/G0630.org_archive
Finding ID locations (44/79 files): h:/org/G0580.org
Finding ID locations (45/79 files): h:/org/S0812.org
Finding ID locations (46/79 files): h:/org/S0425.org
Finding ID locations (47/79 files): h:/org/S0424.org
Finding ID locations (48/79 files): h:/org/S0423.org
Finding ID locations (49/79 files): h:/org/C0775.org
Finding ID locations (50/79 files): h:/org/refile.org
Finding ID locations (51/79 files): h:/org/R0787.org
Finding ID locations (52/79 files): h:/org/R0657.org
Finding ID locations (53/79 files): h:/org/R0279.org
Finding ID locations (54/79 files): h:/org/R0048.org
Finding ID locations (55/79 files): h:/org/R0047.org
Finding ID locations (56/79 files): h:/org/R0029.org
Finding ID locations (57/79 files): h:/org/R0015.org
Finding ID locations (58/79 files): h:/org/G0865.org
Finding ID locations (59/79 files): h:/org/G0749.org
Finding ID locations (60/79 files): h:/org/G0689.org
Finding ID locations (61/79 files): h:/org/G0473.org
Finding ID locations (62/79 files): h:/org/G0439.org
Finding ID locations (63/79 files): h:/org/G0431.org
Finding ID locations (64/79 files): h:/org/GTD.org
Finding ID locations (65/79 files): h:/org/G0630.org
Finding ID locations (66/79 files): h:/org/G0580.org_archive
Finding ID locations (67/79 files): h:/org/S0812.org_archive
Finding ID locations (68/79 files): h:/org/S0425.org_archive
Finding ID locations (69/79 files): h:/org/S0424.org_archive
Finding ID locations (70/79 files): h:/org/S0423.org_archive
Finding ID locations (71/79 files): h:/org/C0775.org_archive
Finding ID locations (72/79 files): h:/org/R0787.org_archive
Finding ID locations (73/79 files): h:/org/R0657.org_archive
Finding ID locations (74/79 files): h:/org/R0279.org_archive
Finding ID locations (75/79 files): h:/org/R0048.org_archive
Finding ID locations (76/79 files): h:/org/R0047.org_archive
Finding ID locations (77/79 files): h:/org/R0029.org_archive
Finding ID locations (78/79 files): h:/org/R0015.org_archive
Finding ID locations (79/79 files): h:/org/G0865.org_archive
43 unique files scanned for IDs
Clock starts at [2010-07-12 Mon 11:10] - showing today's task time.

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