SEric Schulte wrote:
>"Thomas S. Dye" <> writes:

>> On Jul 8, 2010, at 9:09 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:
>>> Sebastian Rose <> writes:
>>> [...]
>>>> It can be considered an error, since the docs say:
>>>>  "...This is done with the ‘src’ block, where you also need to
>>>> specify the name of the major mode that should be used to fontify
>>>> the example..."
>>> I would vote that this be considered an error as a source block
>>> doesn't make sense w/o a source language.  If others agree with this
>>> interpretation, I would be happy to submit a patch which actively
>>> raises an errors when this cases is encountered.
>>> Cheers -- Eric
>> This seems like the right approach to me.
>> Tom

>As promised here's a patch which raises errors when source blocks don't
>have a specified language.  I would prefer if the error could indicate
>which block caused the problem, but I don't know how to accomplish this.

Maybe we could store a marker in a text property of (source) blocks
right before they are processed in the input file?

  -- David

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