Stephen Eglen <> writes:

> I'd like to try out org-capture.  
> I've never used org-remember before so I have no templates to convert.
> Do I make the new ones in pretty much the same way as the manual
> describes for org-remember?
> Or should I be patient, and wait for org-capture to stabilise?


to quote the fine manual:

,----[ (info "(org)Capture templates") ]
| You can use templates to arrange for different types of capture items,
| and for different target locations.  The easiest way to set up such
| templates is through the customize interface.
| `C-c c C'
|      Customize the variable `org-capture-templates'.

Is your documentation uptodate?

You should find all the information in "9.1 Capture" and its
subnodes to get you started.

Argh, org-capture.el is not part of the current stable release.
So, if you want to try, you need the development version, either
with git or download org-latest (link is on

If you still encounter any problems, please describe them so the
documentation can be improved :).

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