Bernt Hansen <> writes:
> This all sounds really good.  I look forward to test driving it when I
> have some extra time to tinker with my setup.  I really appreciate the
> effort  you went through to keep the existing remember process so that I
> can try these in parallel -- this will make me try it much sooner than I
> would otherwise.

Yes - and it IS really easy, since you may keep your entire remember
setup, convert your templates and simply call `org-capture' to test
org-capture, and `org-remember' for your critical stuff.

I used the provided function to convert the templates, cut the results
out of my .emacs and put them in my Org-setup.

There I can easy test and modify single templates.

> The auto-clocking functionality sounds great.  I'll let you know how
> that works out.

I tried that a bit and it seems to work.  It's so simple to customize
that feature now.

Best wishes


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