Hi Austin,

Austin Frank <austin.fr...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hey all--
> Two (hopefully quick) questions:
> 1) Does the exporter respect the :cache argument?  When I evaluate a
>    buffer, I can tell that cached blocks are not re-run, as expected.
>    When I export to \LaTeX or PDF, it seems that all blocks in the file
>    are re-run.  Is there a way to force the exporter to respect caching?

I believe the exporter does respect caching, the following minimal
example worked (i.e. was not re-run) for me on export to html.  Could
you provide an example that demonstrates the problem?

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
** cache on export
do we export cached blocks

#+begin_src sh :cache yes :exports results

: Thu Jun 17 07:35:19 PDT 2010
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

> 2) Is there a way to generate graphical output on a remote host and
>    still have it included in export?

Not that I'm currently aware of.  Dan has handled most of the remote
execution work so he may know more than me in this regard.

>    A block like
>    #+source: rplot
>    #+BEGIN_SRC R :exports results :dir /u...@example.com: :file test.png
>    plot(my-object)
>    #+END_SRC
>    Gives me
>    #+results:
>    [[file:/scpc:u...@example.com:/users/home/user/test.png]]

Is "scpc" in the line above a transport protocol?  Maybe this should be
an org-mode wide features, i.e. the ability to resolve remote file
references with C-c C-o and on export.  Does that sound reasonable, and
would it take care of the need in this particular case?

>    When I export to latex or pdf, the graphic isn't included because
>    the file for export is local but the graphic is remote.  Is there a
>    way to include remotely generated graphics in a locally exported
>    file?  Something like downloading via scp before exporting?

A block like the following may be an acceptable workaround in the near
term (notice I named your block above).

#+begin_src sh :file test.png :var remote=rplot :exports results
  scp $remote ./test.png

> Thanks for any help,
> /au

Thanks -- Eric

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