Hey all--

Two (hopefully quick) questions:

1) Does the exporter respect the :cache argument?  When I evaluate a
   buffer, I can tell that cached blocks are not re-run, as expected.
   When I export to \LaTeX or PDF, it seems that all blocks in the file
   are re-run.  Is there a way to force the exporter to respect caching?

2) Is there a way to generate graphical output on a remote host and
   still have it included in export?  A block like

   #+BEGIN_SRC R :exports results :dir /u...@example.com: :file test.png
   Gives me

   When I export to latex or pdf, the graphic isn't included because the
   file for export is local but the graphic is remote.  Is there a way
   to include remotely generated graphics in a locally exported file?
   Something like downloading via scp before exporting?

Thanks for any help,
Austin Frank
GPG Public Key (D7398C2F): http://aufrank.net/personal.asc

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