W dniu 2010-06-15 10:16, Livin Stephen Sharma pisze:
 have you tried 'org-agenda-follow-mode'?
[ yes, I did see you write "/..if i follow the link to one of my outlines../" in your email :) ]

thank you for your reply. I did not know about follow-mode but it seems it is not working like described here: http://orgmode.org/manual/Agenda-commands.html

It says:
"In Follow mode, as you move the cursor through the agenda buffer, the other window always shows the corresponding location in the Org file." . Unfortunately it does not work like that. It doesn't "ALWAYS" show location - only when I enter follow-mode with "F".

Either way, it is really nice feature (if it works like described) but it still does not work like I want it. I want to be able to hit 'RET' in agenda buffer and move cursor to other window to location of the heading keeping agenda display in bottom window.


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