Hi Walter,

you are not using the most recent version of Org-mode. "touch" was needed earlier, but if you get the latest version from git, it is no longer necessary.

The .timestamps directory is used to record information about files already published.


- Carsten

On Jun 3, 2010, at 1:31 PM, Water Lin wrote:

I can publish my org projects under Ubuntu but I can't publish it under Windows. All settings are the same especially the home directory. I have
set the home path for different platform.

While I publish my org project under Windows, Emacs reminds me following
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Searching for program" "no such file or directory" "touch") call-process("touch" nil 0 nil "e:/water/My Dropbox/EmacsHome/.org- timestamps/X25e4900e8c818b67efbd6a89083ad0458650dbfa") org-publish-update-timestamp("e:/water/My Dropbox/EmacsHome/org/ notes/index.org" "e:/water/My Dropbox/EmacsHome/org/private_html/ notes/" org-publish-org-to-html)

What's the meaning of .org-timestamps folder? What's wrong with my

BTW: why I also can't publish projects with Chinese folder under
Windows? How can I set it?


Water Lin

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Email: water...@ymail.com
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- Carsten

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