
I would if I would know the answer to my problem ;). Once I'm figuring
out how to get tramp to connect to webdav resources I'm more than happy
to write about it.

BTW. the documentation is a bit misleading here :
If Emacs can directly write to the WebDAV directory1 accessed by
MobileOrg, just point to this directory using the variable
org-mobile-directory. Using the tramp  method, org-mobile-directory may
point to a remote directory accessible through, for example, ssh/scp:

     (setq org-mobile-directory "/")

This sounds almost like you can connect to webdav by using the example
given. But that only applies to a ssh+scp connection (!= webdav) (I
wonder how would one get to connect MobileOrg App to that since (afaik)
that one can currently only connect to webdav shares.


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