Daniel E. Doherty <ded-...@ddoherty.net> writes:
> All,
> I make *very* frequent use of the shift-arrow keys to move from window
> to window inside emacs via windmove.  It is probably the most frequent
> key combination I access.
> Anyway, is there a way to make org-mode friendlier to it by passing the
> key along whenever org-mode would otherwise throw an error.  For
> example, when not on a heading, when in the agenda, and wherever else?
> I really like Carsten's use of the arrow keys for structure editing and
> don't want to lose that, just whenever org-mode can't make use of the
> keys.
> Regards,

And here all the arrow keys. 

It's somewhat inelegant, since you always need to keep track of new
useful org-bindings.

I would find an org-internal solution helpfull too. I use windmove.

Actually, your email made hack this together :)

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