Rick Moynihan <rick.moyni...@gmail.com> writes:

> On 22 April 2010 22:29, Sebastian Rose <sebastian_r...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> Rick Moynihan <rick.moyni...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hey Rick,
>> interesting observation! I found, the pages validate everywhere, and so
>> I started to search. It seems to be valid CSS 2 (I couldn't find a
>> evidence though).
> Looks like an inconsistency in the W3C specs, as it appears to be
> invalid (or absent from) the CSS selector spec, if not elsewhere.
> http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/msg/ca6ecd94ad4a23bd

Yess - and that refers to: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/grammar.html

I saw this document, but I'm not familiar with flex notation:


Hm - seems to be valid XHTML, but no valid CSS2... It's hard to use
in stylesheets anyway and elderly browsers will not understand

  h3[id="sec-1.1"] { }

either, will they?

We will have to change the `.' character for the IDs then...

OK then, should we switch the IDs to sec-1_1 or sec-1-1?

I like sec-1-1 better - it's easier to type :)

Best wishes


>> Opera and firefox know how to handle that:
>> h3[id="sec-1.1"]
>> {
>>  background-color:yellow;
>> }
> Nice to know how to reference it.
> Cheers,
> R.

Sebastian  Rose      Fachinformatiker / Anwendungsentwicklung
Viktoriastr. 22      Entwicklung von Anwendungen mit freien Werkzeugen
30451  Hannover      und Bibliotheken.

0173  83 93 417      sebastian_r...@gmx.de         s.r...@emma-stil.de

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