On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 17:49:09 +0200, Benjamin Andresen <be...@in-ulm.de> wrote:
> Hey Andrea,
> Andrea Crotti <andrea.crott...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Or is there another better way to do already what I'm asking?
> Maybe C-u M-x org-clock-in RET does what you want.


I tag all the jobs that I clock with :clocked: and then simply 

C-c a m clocked RET

to bring up an agenda view with all of these items.  Easy then to
simply clock in the one I want.  This, however, assumes that you have
a relatively small set of such jobs...  It does help that you can
TAB complete on the tag so I typically type C-c a m clo TAB


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