I have a simple journal .org file like this:

------Begin file---------------
* <2010-04-16 fri>
Subject 1
Subject 2
Subject 1
Subject 40

* <2010-04-17 sat>
Subject 2
Subject 3
Subject 1
Subject 40
------End file------------------

Every subject is only one line. 

I would like to print the journal but including only the lines with a specific 
content, determined by a search, like the following

-----Buffer to print---------
* <2010-04-16 fri>
Subject 1
Subject 1

* <2010-04-17 sat>
Subject 1

------Another buffer to print-
* <2010-04-16 fri>
Subject 40

* <2010-04-17 sat>
Subject 40

I have tried org-occur, but only marks the searched string; I also have tried 
occur but generate a list without the dates, and cannot be printed.

I would appreciate any hint.

Miguel Ruiz
Sevilla, Spain.

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