> From: Matt Lundin <m...@imapmail.org>
> Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 19:59:57 -0400
> To: Rich Wellum <richwel...@gmail.com>
> Cc: "emacs-orgmode@gnu.org" <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org>
> Subject: Re: Using org-agenda opens all my .org files.
> Rich Wellum <richwel...@gmail.com> writes:
>> When I run org-agenda to look at all my TODO's - every single .org file is
>> opened into buffers. Is this simply the way it works or is my setup
>> incorrect? It's a pain to have to kill all those buffers each time.
> This is the way that org-mode works. If you'd like to release/kill your
> org-mode buffers, simply type "x" in the agenda.
Ah that works - thanks.
> Might I ask why you want to kill the org buffers once they have been
> opened? It is a relatively expensive operation to open and parse all the
> org files the first time the agenda is generated. However, once the org
> files (and all the properties added by org-mode) are loaded into memory,
> agenda creation is much quicker.
For a one time operation - like looking at my todo list, where I might not
use agenda for a while, it just seems odd to have 40+ buffers opened. No
biggie and now that I know it's default behavior and not something I was
doing wrong I'll adjust to it.
> Best,
> Matt
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