On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> maybe we need to settle some terminology first.

No, "we're good" as the Americans say :)

> The variable org-export-kill-product-buffer-when-displayed has the following
> effect:

Well, as I said, org-export-kill-product-buffer-when-displayed appears
to be unknown here.
"Describe variable: org-export-kill-product-buffer-when-displayed [No match]"

> Some export commands do not only produce the export file, but
> immediately display it with an appropriate viewer.  For example, `C-c C-e b'
> should open your browser.

Right. And neither that, not `M-x org-export-as-html-and-open' work
(or at least, they only work the same as the non-browse commands:
output is produced, but no browser is opened). There's no indication
of errors or problems in the *Messages* buffer either:
Debug on Error enabled globally
Exporting... [3 times]
Saving file /home/jg/.Org/work.html...
Wrote /home/jg/.Org/work.html
Exporting... done

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