
Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> writes:
> On Apr 4, 2010, at 12:50 AM, Henri-Paul Indiogine wrote:
>> When I export to LaTeX the line \definecolor..... comes before
>> \usepackage{color}  then it throws an error during compilation.  If I
>> move the \definecolor... _after_ \usepackage{color} it compiles.
>> Is are a way to setup my LaTeX export so that this happens
>> automagically?
> No, I think you need to return to the old way of configuring
> everything in org-export-latex-classes.

Suggestion: Would it be hard to add a location marker for the place the
default packages are included? Something like

(setq org-export-latex-classes

If (include-org-standard-packages-here) is missing, the \usepackage
lines are appended to the template. This way one could use the standard
packages and at the same time use commands from the packages in the


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