Dear all,
I have just checked in an important change - if you use LaTeX
export, you need to be aware of it.
1. Org contains now a much better system for handling special entities
that are written like LaTeX macros, for example \therefore,
etc. I will write more about this in the release notes for 6.35.
already now thanks go to Ulf Stegemann without whom this would not
have happened.
2. I could no longer keep the old setup for LaTeX export in
org-export-latex-classes. The disadvantage was that whenever you
needed to make changes to the header, you would fix the value of
variable so that any changes I'd make in the future would not be
to you.
The way this is solved now is (excerpt from the upcoming release
* =org-export-latex-classes= no longer should be customized for packages
The HEADER part of this variable should now only contain the
documentclass macro, nothing else - at least normally. All the
package calls via usepackage should go into
org-export-latex-packages-alist. I moved all the default packages
that into a new variable org-export-latex-default-packages-alist.
This will allow me to add more packages (as needed) in the
future, withour requiring you to erase and then redo your
configuration of org-export-latex-classes.
So if you have customized this variable, please remove once more
(hopefully for the last time) your customization, so that it can
revert to its now much simpler default value. Put all your
package definitions into org-export-latex-packages-alist.
I hope this works, and we will not get conflicts because of the
sequence in which packages are called. If there are problems,
please let me know so that we can find a solution.
I have not yet put this onto the master branch, but I will soon.
If you want to help testing this new setup, please check out the branch
new-entity-support from the git repo and let me know if you run into any
- Carsten (and Ulf)
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